2020-10-03White and Green classics for this Fall intimate wedding in Montreal Old Port

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We are just in awe with these stunning photos of this incredibly romantic intimate wedding in the midst of a pandemic. The gorgeous pictures are courtesy of Crémeux Photo.

A Fall wedding in classic and timeless shades of white, gray & green. A sweet and delicate bouquet featuring Fall Anemones from Quebec, Scabiosas from Quebec, Dahlias from Quebec, Lisianthus from Ontario, Symphoricarpus berries, Eucalyptus & cie.

For this "À la Carte" wedding, the couple opted for the essential combo of "bridal bouquet + boutonniere" and came to pick up the order on the morning of the wedding, easy peasy.

Natasha & Anthony, we wish you a lot of love!

2020-05-02Dried flowers for this mini Spring wedding in Montreal, Quebec

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It's fair to say we will never forget this lovely wedding during the gobal 2020 pandemic. 

For Célia and Justine, love was stonger than anything else and they chose to still get married at the Montreal's courthouse, surrounded with their wedding witnesses. A courthouse wedding was already part of their plans, and they simply decided to adapt and celebrate later, in due times,  with all their loved ones with a proper reception. Their micro wedding was held on Saturday May, 2nd 2020 and the moment was captured by the talented Julia Garcia-Pratt. 

Justine wanted to make the day extra special and so she decided to surprise Célia with some flowers, even though it was not a part of their plans to begin with. She contacted us a few days earlier and we fine tuned all the details over emails. With our shop closed and our main supplier closed as well, we decided to have fun and get creative with dried and preserved flowers. 

We worked with a monochromatic color palette and we featured blooms such as Gypsophilia, Palmetto, Weath, Bunny Tails, Ruscus and the likes. We completed the look with a silk ribbon detail from Maison Note, of course. The result is simply stunning, if we do say so ourselves! 

Wishing them all the love in the world, 

Marie & Mélanie -xx-


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Nombreux sont les couples qui doivent revoir leurs plans pour l’organisation de leur mariage en 2020.  Nous sommes de tout coeur avec vous. Nous sommes conscientes que la situation est étrange et tout le stress additionnel que cela peut amener à la vie en générale, mais aussi à la planification d'un mariage. Nous vous souhaitons sincèrement de cultiver une attitude positive et de rester zen le plus possible en focussant sur l'essentiel: la santé et votre amour. Notre mission est d'être le plus flexible possible envers vous pour vous accompagner dans cette situation.

Dans les dernières semaines, nous avons reçu plusieurs questions de la part de nos clients. À titre informatif, nous avons pensé bon de déposer ici les détails de notre approche face à la COVID-19 en plus de vous partager quelques bons trucs et conseils de nos merveilleux clients et collègues de l’industrie du mariage.



Devez-vous reporter la célébration de votre mariage?

Tout d’abord, nous vous invitons à suivre attentivement la situation auprès des différentes autorités concernées (gouvernement fédéral, provincial et les différentes municipalités). Nous vous conseillons fortement de patienter avant de prendre une décision hâtive. Une bonne règle de base semble être d’attendre approximativement 4 à 6 semaines avant la date prévue de votre événement pour prendre une décision éclairée à la lumière des derniers développements.

Entre temps, rien ne vous empêche de commencer à penser à votre plan B en ciblant quelques dates alternatives potentielles. L’objectif est bien sûr de trouver LA date qui convient à l’ensemble de vos prestataires. Pour ce faire, certains de nos clients ont créés des tableaux collaboratifs sur Google Drive (ou autre) afin que chaque prestataire y remplisse ses disponibilités. Un beau truc pour cibler rapidement une date dispo pour tout le monde!

Bien sûr, si vous avez une planificatrice de mariage, nous vous invitons à suivre ses bons conseils, elle sera d’une aide précieuse. Sachez que certaines offrent également des forfaits conçus spécialement pour aider les couples à naviguer au travers de ce beau gros casse-tête, notamment Maria d’Une touche de magie.


Vous devez changer la date de votre mariage. Qu’adviendra-t-il de votre dépôt?

Pour tous les clients 2020 qui doivent malheureusement reporter leur mariage en raison de la Covid-19, nous avons pris la décision de transférer le dépôt payé et de l’appliquer à votre nouvelle date, que ce soit plus tard en 2020, en 2021 ou en 2022, voir plus tard, à condition bien sûr que notre équipe soit encore disponible. Nous avons encore plusieurs belles dates de disponibles à l’automne 2020, et nos calendriers 2021/2022 sont encore bien flexibles. Chez Astilbe, nous avons la chance d’avoir une belle grande équipe de fleuristes talentueuses, alors l’éventualité que notre équipe ne soit plus disponibles pour aucune dates est peu probable.En ce moment, nous sommes extrêmement confiantes dans notre capacité à honorer tous nos engagements et commandes, même décalés d’un an ou plus.


Vous devez changer la date de votre mariage. Qu’adviendra-t-il des prix de la soumission?

Normalement nous révisons nos prix annuellement pour refléter le taux d’inflation et la hausse du coût de la vie en général.  Cela dit, pour tout mariage reporté en raison de la COVID-19, nous respecterons les prix affichés à la soumission, dans la mesure du possible. Bien entendu, nous ignorons de quelle façon le marché des fleurs sera impacté par cette crise. Il se peut qu’il y ait fluctuations sur le marché et donc hausses de prix, mais nous ferons tout en autre possible pour honorer les prix de la soumission initiale, même un ou deux ans plus tard. Il faudra peut-être simplement revoir la sélection de fleurs et feuillages, si jamais certains produits sont dorénavant trop dispendieux. 

Normalement à pour les mariages en forfait ''Services complets'', nous acceptons les révisions à la baisse, jusqu'à concurrence de 10% du montant initial à la signature du contrat. C'est de cette façon que nous sommes en mesure de planifier d'effectuer nos prévisions financières et nos ventes pour l'année. Ceci dit, vu la nature exceptionnelle de la situation, si vous devez réduire votre commande en lien avec la COVID-19, nous serons plus flexibles sur le sujet. Aucun souci. Il faudra nous en aviser au plus tard 4 semaines avant votre mariage ceci dit.


Vous devez changer la date de votre mariage. Qu’adviendra-t-il de la sélection des fleurs?

Pour le choix potentiel des fleurs, il faudra possiblement revoir la sélection pour refléter la saisonnalité et la disponibilité en fonction de la nouvelle date, mais notre équipe saura proposer de nouveaux choix de fleurs, tout aussi jolies, qui respecteront l’esthétique du concept, peu importe la saison. Si vous êtes clients Astilbe, vous savez déjà que nous travaillons de façon un peu différente ici puisque nous ne promettons jamais de fleurs spécifiques, de toute façon. Comme les fleurs sont un produit frais et périssable, nous ne garantissons aucune variété ni aucun nombre de tiges spécifiques. Nous garantissons plutôt un look, una ambiance, une palette de couleurs ainsi qu'un standard de qualité élevé. Donc pas de changement de ce côté-là!



Ce que les pros du mariage en disent

Nous savons que toutes les facettes de votre mariage sont potentiellement impactées, pas seulement les fleurs. Heureusement, l’industrie du mariage de Montréal regorge de professionnels passionnés et dévoués. Nous avons réuni ici pleins de trucs et d’astuces de quelques-uns de nos collègues pour vous aider à naviguer à travers tout ça.

Tout d’abord, Justine et son équipe de Dream it Yourself , boutique de robes de mariées, vous propose de judicieux conseils sur comment reprogrammer votre mariage et vous propose même une check list à télécharger ici! Ils vous proposent également de jolis Unsave the date à télécharger pour aviser vos invités du changement de plan! Définitivement un article à lire, ici.

Ensuite, voici deux entrevues super pertinentes à écouter sur le sujet.

La première, en anglais, par la merveilleuse Michelle, planificatrice de mariage de la boîte Wedding Mill. Michelle est non seulement professionnelle, elle se veut aussi très posée et rassurante et vous donne une foule de conseils intelligents, à écouter ici.

La seconde entrevue, en français, par la pétillante Mélanie de la boîte Fou d’amour. Elle offre un topo juste de la situation actuelle en offrant également de son côté de bons conseils pertinents. Le tout avec une belle attitude positive et lumineuse. À écouter ici.

Nous espérons avoir répondu à vos questions et incertitudes. Nous espérons également que ces ressources et ces conseils de nos clients et collègues vous aideront. Encore une fois, nous sommes de tout coeur avec vous. N'hésitez pas à communiquer avec nous si vous avez de plus amples questions. #cavabienaller


Marie, Mélanie & l’équipe d’Astilbe -xx-


p.s. la photo en couverture, est de la talentueuse Julia Garcia-Prat

2020-02-08A modern and moody winter wedding at l'Auberge Saint-Gabriel in the Old Port of Montreal

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Anne-Marie and Adam got married in February 2020 in a warm, moody and cozy atmosphere at l'Auberge Saint-Gabriel. Their wedding was coordinnated by our fellow friend Michelle from Le Wedding Mill and photographed by the talented Gabrielle Desmarchais

A moody and neutral colour palette filled with shades of warm white, ivory, cream, cappuccinno, taupe, dusty pink, burgundy, plum and deep green. The flowers were complimented by assorted matte black vessel.

Florals featured Panda Anemones, Local Canadian Tulips and Ranunculus, Lisianthus, Antique Carnations, Roses, Spray Rosettes, a mix of Ferns, Eucalyptus, Evergreens and Ruscus.

For this wedding we created the bridal party flowers with bouquets, boutonnieres and corsages. For the ceremony we created 4 assorted statement pieces and we lined the aisle with pillar candles and touches of  foliage. For the reception we decorated each table with low and lush centerpieces and we completed the look by adding tons of little votives. We also created a beautiful arrangement to frame the sweetheart table. 

We will probably always remember this wedding. Not only because it was our first of 2020 or because it was beautiful. The night before we had a massive snow storm, the city was snowed in and that morning the  temperature dropped to a freezing -30 celcius degres. Delivering a Winter wedding in the city is always a challenge, but this one was one to remember! 

Photographer: Gabrielle Desmarchais 

Venue: Auberge Saint-Gabriel

Coordination: Wedding Mill 

2019-10-05Moody & Muted Fall Wedding in Laval, Quebec

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The beautiful pictures of Samantha & Edouard's intimate Fall wedding in Laval, Quebec.  Pictures are courtesy of Bianca Desjardins. 

For this beautiful small wedding, we simply created the bridal bouquet, the bridesmaid's bouquets and bridal party's boutonnieres. A moody and neutral color palette of ivory, blush, brown, nude with hints of black and plum. Featured blooms included Ranunculus, Roses, Scabiosa, Lisianthus, Spray roses, Ammi Dara, Ninebark, Ruscus and Raspberry foliage. The bridal bouquet was completed with a taupe satin ribbon detail. 

2019-10-05Fall intimate À la Carte Wedding in Montreal, Quebec

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The beautiful pictures of Lauren & Matt's intimate Fall wedding at the Nelligan Hotel in the Old Port of Montreal. Pictures are courtesy of Julia Garcia-Prat. 

For this beautiful small wedding, we simply created the bridal bouquet and the groom's boutonniere. A neutral and timeless color palette of white and green with hints of black and plum. Featured blooms included Anemones, Roses, Scabiosa, Veronica, Spray roses, Eucalyptus berries, Ninebark, Ruscus and Raspberry foliage. The bridal bouquet was completed with a silk ribbon detail. 

2019-09-21Blush & Burgundy wedding at William Gray Hotel in the Old Port of Montreal, Quebec

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Annie-Claude & Alexandre's beautiful late September wedding in the Old Port of Montreal, photographed by the amazing Martine L Image and planned by the wonderful team at Coeur Bohème.

We love a good ''Muted and Moody'' Fall color palette and this one is just too good with tons of shades of Burgundy, Blush, Dusty Pink, Plum, Caramel & Ivory.

We also had so much fun designing with lots of local and seasonal blooms such as Zinnias, Dahlias, Lisianthus, Ammi Dara, Raspberry mixed with Roses, Carnations and Spray Rosettes. 

For this wedding we created all the bridal party bouquets and boutonnieres as well as a beautiful and romantic decor for the ceremony at Vilaine Victoire. We decorated the wood arch with large garden style bouquets and we lined the aisle with pillar candles and foliage. For the reception at William Gray Hotel, we designed small assorted centerpieces and rented tons of assorted votives to complete the look. 


Photographer : Martine L Image

Cérémonie: Vilaine Victoire 

Réception: William Gray Hotel

2019-08-31Small and Intimate À La Carte wedding in Montreal, Quebec

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Revisiting Maream & Andrew's small and intimate wedding. 

For their wedding flowers, this couple had chosen to go with our ''À la Carte'' option, perfect for their intimate nuptials! We simply created a bridal bouquet and 5 assorted boutonnieres for the groom and groomsmen. Side note, this couple was probably the most relaxed clients we have ever seen: on the morning of their wedding, they both arrived at the studio by jogging and left together, flowers in hand, with an Uber to go get ready. Super chill, right? 

We loved working with this muted and neutral color palette of whites, ivory, blush, maroon, plum, sage and deep green. Featured blooms included Dahlias, Roses, Lisianthus, Scabiosas, Spray Rosettes, Jasmine and a mix of assorted foliage. 

The beautiful pictures are courtesy of Julia Garcia-Prat. 

2019-08-30Soft, Modern and Romantic wedding at the Musée National des Beaux-Arts in Quebec City, Quebec

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This is one of our favorite 2019 wedding! It was a real joy to work alongside Lily and Jessie, the gals behind Hôte Événements who carefully planned this wedding. This event, in Quebec city, was also a great opportunity for us to meet new local vendors such as the talented photographer Valérie Busque and the beautiful venue at the Musée National des Beaux-Arts de Québec. 

We loved working with this soft and romantic colour pallette filled with shades of peach, soft pink, coral, blush, apricot, ivory, warm whites and golden hues. 

Florals were styled in a loose and organic garden style, and included blooms such as Café au Lait Dahlias, Juliet and Ohara Garden Roses, Quicksand Roses, Ranunculus, a mix of seasonal Dahlias, Queen Ann's lace, Majolika spray Rosettes, Raspberry Foliage and Jasmin Vines. 

We created bridal party bouquets, corsages and boutonnieres, an epic ceremony backdrop and aisle decorations, a mix of low and tall centerpieces and tons of fun flower details throughout the cocktail hour and reception. 

Photographe: Valérie Busque 

Planning: Hôte Événements 

Salle: Musée des Beaux-Arts du Québec

2019-07-27White and Green Wedding at the historical Auberge Saint-Gabriel in the Old Port of Montreal, Quebec

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Tatiana and Mathieu's wedding at the historical venue Auberge Saint-Gabriel had a relax and natural feel. The pictures are courtesy of Gabrielle Desmarchais. 

We worked with a simple and timeless colour palette of warm whites, ivory, cream, hints of blush, sage and deep green. 

Florals included a seasonal selection of Peonies, Cosmos, Zinnias, Lisianthus, Quicksand Roses, Majolikas Spray Rosettes, Ohara Garden Roses, Raspberry Foliage, a mix of Eucalyptus, Pittosporum Nigra and touches of Setaria Italica. 

We created bridal party bouquets, boutonnieres, wrist corsages and lined the reception tables with beautiful trailing foliage. All bouquets were styled in our Astilbe Signature look, loose and organic, and completed with a long silk ribbon detail. This is a perfect example of florals ordered through our ''À La Carte Services''.

Photographer : Gabrielle Desmarchais

Venue: Auberge Saint-Gabriel 

2019-07-26Saying goodbye to 2065 : A little tour of our old studio

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Our old studio seen through the lense of Julia Garcia-Prat

Julia was working on a project to capture the behind-the-scences of creative entrepreneurs, and so she came to visit us in our studio during a busy Friday afternoon to capture the magic. It was such a pleasure to spend time with her. It just so happened that this was also a few days before we were going to move into our new location. Julia perfectly captures the light, the emotion, and the romance of the space. Looking back at these photos, sitting in our new studio, it feels like it was the best way to have said goodbye to that workshop. It was a great place for us for the past 2 years, and it was filled with plenty of laughter and other crazy adventures. We miss it a bit, but are so greatful to have these gorgeous images to remind us of all the memories. 

It is quite something to imagine that we created florals for more than 200 weddings and events in our petite studio of 700 square feet!

Bye Bye 2065 Parthenais -xx-

2019-07-13Delicious shades of reds, pinks & peaches at Grumman 78'

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Last Summer we had the pleasure of flowering a very special wedding. Emilie Olson, one of our fellow wedding industry colleague/friend,got married and she asked our team to take care of the florals! It's always an honor to be a part of any wedding, but when that one was extra special!! We are still in awe looking at this gorgeous event at the Grumman 78' with Michelle from Le Wedding Mill and those shots from Tania Stratti and Emilie Olson are just out of this world. 

To tie the know to her beau James, Emilie had dreamed of warm delicious shades reds, pinks, blush and peach with vintage accents of copper, amber & gold vessel.  We used heaps of Peonies, Ranunculus, Garden Roses, Lisianthus, Scabiosa, Thistle, Wild grasses, Parviflora Eucalyptus, Assorted Ferns and co. The result was both elegant and eclectic and it a perfect fit for the vibe at Grumman 78!! 

The amazing team that made this event come to life: 

Photographer: Tania Stratti and Emilie Olson 

Coordination: Le Wedding Mill  (P.S. We also did Michelle's wedding and you can take a loot at it here

Venue: Grumman 78

2019-06-15Industrial Woodland wedding at Entrepots Dominion near Atwater Market in Montreal, Quebec

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Julie and Theodore's wedding was inspired by the Industrial Woodland theme. Key words included Rustic, Greenery, Candles and Bistro lighting. A perfect ambiance for this Summer wedding at Entrepôt Dominion and photographed by Gabrielle Desmarchais.

A colour palette filled with warm whites, ivory, nude, dusty pink, cappucinno, brown, terra cotta, caramel and a mix of greens.

Florals were styled in a loose and wild style and included a selection of Cappucinno Roses, Peonies, Ranunculus, Scabiosas, Lisianthus, Quicksand Roses, Raspberry Foliage, Thilapsi, Pittosporum Nigra and a mix of Ferns. 

For the ceremony, we created a beautiful backdrop with tons of plants. For the reception we worked with a mix and match of low asymetrical centerpieces in golden vessel, loose foliage and tons of candles in small copper lanterns. 

Photographe : Gabrielle Desmarchais

Venue: Entrepôt Dominon 

2019-05-25Hints of Yellow for this fresh Spring wedding at the William Gray Hotel in the Old Port of Montreal, Quebec

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Sophie and Jonathan's Spring wedding at William Gray Hotel in the Old Port of Montreal. Pictures are courtesy of Bonnalie Brodeur.

A beautiful and fresh colour palette filled with ivory, warm whites, creams, soft yellow, vibrant yellow, hints of blush, navy, gray and sage.

Florals were style in a loose organic style and included a seasonal selection of Tulips, Peonies, blooming branchs of Forstythia, Ranunculus, Lisianthus, Craspedia, Camelia Foliage, a mix of Eucalyptus and Jasmine Vines.

For this wedding we created bridal party bouquets, wrist corsages, boutonnieres. All bouquets were completed with a beautiful silk ribbon detail - the bride chose a vibrant pop of yellow for the bridesmaids!  So much fun!

We also created a magnificient ceremony backdrop and filled the reception with a mix and match of small low centerpieces in stone urns and small budvases. The look was completed with tons of  colorful candles and votives! 


Photographer : Bonnallie Brodeur

Venue: William Gray Hotel 

Planning: Andréanne & Co 

2019-03-11midnight magic - photoshoot at Fairmount hotel in Montreal, Quebec as seen on Wedluxe

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Back in March 2019, Astilbe came together with a group of talented vendors from Montreal to put together this gorgeous photoshoot at the Fairmount Queen Elizabeth Hotel. 

We were contacted by the gals from Hôte Événements, the creative minds behind this styled shoot. Their idea was to tie together rich colours, tasteful details, and romantic touches. This Midnight Magic photoshoot was inspired by the modern bride who likes avant-garde elements, a touch of glam, and wants a non-conventional approach to wedding design!  

We played with contrast and textures by using shades of warm whites, ivory, cream, black, mustard, nutmeg, gold and tan.

Florals featured Panda Anemones, Golden Mustard Roses, Amaryllis, Tulips, Bleached Ruscus, Ranunculus, Pampas, Anthurium, Lisianthus, Ornithogalum and a mix of Eucalyptus. 

We are thrilled to say that it was published on Wedluxe Magazine! You can take a look at it here

Here is the amazing team that put this shoot together: 

Photography: Lindsay Muciy - Planning: Hôte Événements - Rubans: Maisonnote - Venue: Fairmont Queen Elizabeth - Stationery: Papier Velours - Dress: Ma Chérie Bleue Bridal (brand Alyssa Kristin) - Jewellery: Ecksand - Make-up artist: Katérie Portelance - Rentals: Luxe Modern Rentals, Location Gervais, La vie est une Fête - Desserts Verrines: GladTwo - Cake & Dessert Design: Sweet Savour Cakery 

2019-01-12Rust and warm colours for this Winter wedding at the Melisse Restaurant in Montreal, Quebec

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Revisiting Caroline and Simon's Winter wedding at Melisse Restaurant, carefully planned and executed by the team at Hera Mariages and photographed by Andrée-Anne Joly.

What we love about wedding nowadays is that, no matter what the season, you can pretty much do whatever you want in terms of colors and style! And this wedding is a perfect example. For this Winter wedding we chose to work with warm shades of Rust, Taupe, Burgundy, Plum, Burnt Orange, Peach, Moka, Caramel, Ocre, Terra Cotta, Ivory, Warm Whites and deep green.

Florals were styled in an elegant, yet loose and organic style and included a selection of Ranunculus, Golden Mustard Roses, Kahala Roses, Buckthorn berries, Tulips, Majolikas Roses, Lisianthus, Dried Scabiosas, touches of Bunny Tails, a mix of Ferns and Ruscus, and Pistacia foliage.

The bridal party bouquets were designed in our Astilbe Signature look with an emphasis on textures and were completed with a silk ribbon detail in a Rust colour. For the reception, we lined the rectangular tables with a mix of amber small vases and bottles filled with blooms and foliage assorted to the wedding color palette. We completed the look with a mix of assorted amber and copper votives from our rental inventory. 

Photographer : Andrée-Anne Joly

Planning: Hera Mariages 

Venue: Melisse Restaurant 

2019-01-30Our flowers As seen on Global News Morning Montreal

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On January 30th, 2019 our flowers made their debut on national televison! The gals from Hôte Événements chatted about 2019 wedding trends with Laura Casella on Global News Morning Montreal. Our flowers were displayed on the gorgeous tablescape they put together for the show. 

A beautiful rich and soft colour palette filled with shades of coral, peach, terra cotta, blush, white, plum and sage. Florals featured Tulips, Ranunculus, Anthurium, Juliet Garden Roses, Cappuccinno Roses, Scabiosas and a mix of Eucalyptus. Flowers were arranged in a modern style with lots of layers, textures, and minimal foliage. Flowers were displayed in modern ceramic vessel in neutral shades with matte finish. 

You can view the segment here!

Here is the amazing vendors who jumped on board: 

Planning: Hôte Événements - Stationary: Papier Velours - Rentals: Location Gervais & Location 4 all events, La vie est une Fête - Cake & Desserts: Sweet Savour by Felicia 

2018-09-29Refined Garden & Rustic fall wedding at Espace Canal in Montreal, Quebec

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One of our favorite wedding from 2018! Melissa & Jase's wedding at L'Espace Canal had was a gorgeous, elegant, classic affair with a garden twist. The pictures are courtesy of Lisa Renault.

This enf of September wedding was filled with local blooms such as Dalhias, Zinnias, Sedum, Lisianthus, Raspberry & Geranium.

We absolutely love the muted pastel fall color palette such as warm ivory, butter, caramel, ochre, mauve, lavender, red, plum & terra cotta. Just stunning, if we do say so ourselves!

For this wedding we created low and lush centerpieces in golden vessel, assorted to the wedding colour palette, and a foliage backdrop for the sweetheart table. We also created the bridal party bouquets, boutonnieres, corsages and, our favorite piece, a floral collar for their dog!  We CAN'T EVEN DEAL with the cuteness of their dog, Mowgli!!! Too cute!!! 


Photographer: Lisa Renault Photographie 

Venue: L'Espace Canal 

Planning: Le Wedding Mill 

Makeup: Atelier Eva Blanca

2018-09-29Shades of Reds and Mustard for this Barn Wedding at La Grange Manson, Austin, Quebec

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Alissa & Karim's barn wedding in September 2018 at the beautiful in Austin, Estrie, Quebec. Pictures are courtesy of Bianca Desjardins. 

Gorgeous Fall colour palette filled with Reds, Burgundy, Mustard, Ocre, Caramel, Ivory, warm Whites and deep green. 

Seasonnal florals featured Dahlias, Scabiosas, Roses, a mix of eucalyptus, Olive branches and so much more! 

 Photographer : Bianca Desjardins

Planning: Events by Melina 

Venue: Manson Barn 

2018-09-15A soft and muted color palette for this Fall Wedding by the river, Quebec

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Revisiting Cynthia & Francis wedding at a private estate by the river in Quebec and photographed by Bianca Desjardins.

A soft and muted color palette filled with shades of blush, ivory, peach, apricot, terra cotta, rust and plum.

A natural selection of flowers and foliage such as Café au Lait Dahlias, Scabiosas, Quicksand Roses, a mix of Dahlias, Cymbidium Orchids, Ranunculus, Proteas, Fall Oak, Raspberry leaves, a mix of Ferns and Pistacia leaves.

This wedding is a good example of our ''À La Carte services''. The couple chose a few essential floral pieces such as bridal party bouquets, boutonnieres, a few bud vases and a few low centerpieces, all assorted. It was simple, yet very beautiful. 

Photographer : Bianca Desjardins

2018-08-19Jewel tones Summer wedding at Pointe-à-Callière Archeology Museum in Montreal, Quebec

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Nicola and Sam's contemporary wedding at the Pointe-à-Callière Archeology Museum in the heart of Montreal's Old Port, photographed by Gabrielle Desmarchais

This wedding was filled with jewel tones such as Burgundy, Ruby Red, Plum, Ivory and Emerald Green. 

Florals included seasonnal blooms such as Zinnias, Ranunculus, Scabiosas, Lisianthus, Roses, Protéas, Celosias, a mix of Ferns and Ruscus. 

Photographer : Gabrielle Desmarchais

2018-07-21Soft shades of Earl Gray and Lavender for this Relaxed Elegance wedding at a Polo Farm in Rigaud, Quebec

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Michelle's wedding will forever hold a precious place in our hearts. All of our clients are important and it's always a honor to be chosen to flower a wedding, but when a friend and a wedding industry collegue gets married, its even more special! The pictures are courtesy of amazing photographer Emilie Olson (pssst! We also did her wedding florals and you can check it out here.) 

Michelle and Scott's wedding had a relaxed and elegant feel. The color palette was inspired by the soft hues of the Earl Grey Rose, Michelle's favorite. We also worked with shades of Lavender, Taupe, Ivory, Grey, Nude, true green and soft green. 

The florals were styled in an elegant organic garden style and included Earl Grey Roses, Peonies, Westminster Abbey Road garden rose, Quicksand rose, Lisianthus, Orlaya, Veronica, Lavender, Snap dragons, Raspberry foliage, a mix of Eucalyptus, Ruscus and such. 

We created the bridal party bouquets, boutonnieres and wrist corsages, an arch as well as a mix and match assortement of centerpieces of varying sizes to decorate the rectangular wood tables at the reception. The look was completed with a chiffon cloth table runner and tons of candles for an effortless chic ambiance. 

Photographer : Emilie Olson

Planning: Le Wedding Mill 

Venue: Polo Parc Farms 

2018-06-09Soft and Romantic vineyard wedding with touches of classic blue near Montreal, Quebec

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Amelie & Peter got married in June of 2018 at the Vineyard Domaine Bouchard-Champagne in Saint-Basile-Le-Grand, near Montreal, Quebec. 

For this wedding, we mainly worked with warm whites, whites, creams, blush, sage, grey and hints of blue. This wedding is a perfect exemple on how to incorporate some blue, in a natural way, in a colour palette. True blue is a hard color to find in nature, but Eryngium is a great idea to use!

The flower selection included Eryngiums, Peonies, Astrantias, Spray Rosettes, Quicksand Roses, Lisianthus, Olive foliage, a mix of Eucalyptus and Ruscus. 

We created the bridal party bouquets, boutonnieres, wrist corsages, and a foliage swag to decorate the arch for the ceremony. For the reception, we created low and lush centerpieces in silver compote vessel and we added tons of simple clear votives to add a romantic glow! A simple and romantic look! 


Photographer : Lisa Renault

Venue: Domaine Bouchard-Champagne 

2018-03-20Urban styled shoot in the streets of Montreal, Quebec - as seen on Wedding Chicks

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In Winter 2018 we had the joy of collaborating with the Dream it yourself team on this beautiful urban styled shoot. 

We worked with a fresh color palette filled with purple, dusty mauve, blush, peach, burgundy, white, black and deep green. 

Florals featured Ranunculus, Protéas, Blueberry and Quicksand Roses, Tulips, Panda Anémones, Carnations, Proteas, Leucadendrons, branches, a mix of Eucalyptus and a mix of Ruscus.  

All florals were designed in a loose and lush style with lots of textures, movements and trailing foliage. For this styled shoot we created a gorgeous bridal bouquet, a lush garland and statement pieces for the ceremony. 

This styled shoot was featured on the Wedding Chicks blog and you can view it here

Part of this styled shoot was photographed at Le Livart, but we also took it outside, exploring the back alleys and exploring the city's metro subway system. It was tons of fun! 

Pictures are courtesy of Anastasia Dudka and you can view the complete list of the Montreal vendors who collaborated on this shoot here

2018-01-27Minimalist & Muted Winter wedding at the Parisian Laundry in Montreal, Quebec

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Bianca and Christian's minimalist winter wedding at Parisian Laundry in Montreal, Quebec and photographed by Brent Calis and beautifully planned by the team at Hera Mariages.

The colour palette was all about shades of warm whites, tan, taupe, blush, plum, black, sage and deep.

Florals featured Ranunculus, Panda Anemones, Creola Carnations, Rosanne Brown Lisianthus, Quicksand Roses, Blackberry Scabiosas, Skimmia, Alocasia leaves, Pistacia foliage, a mix of Ferns and Ruscus.

For this wedding we created bridal party bouquets and boutonnieres, a greenery ceiling over the dance floor and a beautiful foliage backdrop to frame the headtable. For the centerpieces we created a minimalist tablescape of bud vases using clear bottles filled with assorted blooms and foliage to reflect the wedding colour palette. We completed the overall look with tons of assorted votives. 


A few kind words from the couple: 

'' Nous avons fait affaire avec Astilbe pour notre mariage en janvier 2018. Notre première rencontre avec eux nous a tout de suite charmé. Leur professionnalisme, leur créativité et surtout leur compréhension rapide de nos besoins nous ont immédiatement mis en confiance. Le résultat était tout simplement spectaculaire. Au delà de nos attentes ! Nous sommes ravis ! Merci à toute l’équipe !!! ''  

B + C


Photographer: Brent Calis Photography

Planning: Héra Mariages

Venue: Parisian Laundry

2017-12-02Moody Neutral vibes for this City Chic Wedding at Entrepôts Dominion in Montréal, Quebec

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Sabrina and Panayioti's winter wedding at Entrepôts Dominion had a natural and cozy vibe. Pictures are courtesy of Bianca Desjardins. 

We kept the colour palette monochromatic and simple with shades of white, deep green and plum.

Florals were styled in a loose style with an emphasis on textures. The selection featured Ranunculus, Scabiosas, Roses, Cotton, Lisianthus and a mix of Ruscus, Eucalyptus and touches of Evergreens

Here are a few kind words from the bride :

The team at Astible were everything a bride- to - be can hope for! They are visionaries with creative ideas that will make your wedding exactly what you envisioned. Our wedding was a success, our centrepieces, bouquets and flower girl crowns were beyond beautiful. Their hard work and passion really shine through and they are amazing to work with. Understand, patient and kind are the qualities you look for and they did not under deliver. The quality of their flowers and arrangements were also above expectation because they lasted up more than a week later and looked and smelled great!! I would recommend them to everyone :) xox Thank you! - Sabrina 


Photography: Bianca Desjardins

Venue: Entrepôts Dominion 


2017-11-25Jewel tones Winter Wedding at Hotel Fairmont Le Château in Montebello, Quebec

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Camylle & Philippe's Winter wedding wedding was all about a warm and whimsical vibe.

A colour palette filled with Jewel tones such as Blush, Burgundy, Plum, Peach, Ivory, Emerald Green, hints of navy and golden accents for the vessel.

Florals featured Scabiosas, Roses, Anemones, Ranunculus, Garden Roses, Lisianthus, Chrysanthemums, Cymbidium Orchids, Hydrangeas, Berries, a mix of Ferns and Ruscus.

For this wedding we created the bridal party bouquets and boutonnieres, an epic ceremony backdrop and a mix of low and tall centerpieces.


PhotographerNick Ghattas Photography 

PlannerDominik M 

VenueLe Château Montebello

2017-09-30Dusty Lavender & Plum wedding at Auberge des Gallants in Sainte-Marthe, Quebec

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Revisiting Alannah & James end of Summer wedding at L'Auberge des Gallants in Sainte-Marthe, Quebec. Pictures are courtesy of Bianca  Dioro

A soft and moody colour palette filled with Dusty Lavender, Dusty Pink, Mauve, Cappuccinno, Plums, Ivory, Grey, Sage and deep green. 

Florals featured seasonnal blooms such as Ammi Dara, Scabiosa, Dahlias, Cappuccinno Roses, Lisianthus, Veronicas, Smokebush, Hints of Lavender, Basil and a mix of Ferns and Ruscus. 

Alannah carried a petite bouquet with flowers gathered in a loose, organic and free spirit style. Her bridal bouquet was full of textures. For this wedding we also created the bridesmaids bouquet, wrist corsages, boutonnieres, a luscious floral garland for the gazebo and a few budvases scattered through the cocktail hour. For the reception, we created a tablescape with lush greenery/flowers garlands and pillar candles. 

Photographer: Bianca Diorio 

Venue: Auberge des Gallants 

2017-09-08Shades of peach and blush for this Intimate Waterfront Wedding in Montreal, Quebec

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Shuiyee and Andrew's intimate wedding on the banks of the Canal Lachine in Montreal, Quebec and photographed by Mlle Sana Photography.

A soft and romantic colour palette filled with shades of blush, peach, apricot, ivory, soft pink, navy, sage and green.

Florals were styled in a classic round(ish) style but with a natural and garden twist. The flower selection included Dahlias Café au Lait, Ranunculus, Lisianthus, Eryngiums, Roses, Spray Rosettes, a mix of Eucalyptus, Pistacia and Ruscus foliage. 

For this wedding we created the bridal party flowers, with bouquets, boutonnieres and wrist corsages. It's a perfect example of an order with our ''À La Carte Services''.

Photography: Mlle Sana Photography

2017-08-11Hints of orange for a chic & organic wedding at La Distinction in Joliette, Quebec

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Revisiting Sanan and Ziad's August wedding from August 2017 at La Distinction in Joliette, Québec. 

Organic loose style with flowing greenery in a white, ivory, blush, soft pinks, pops of yellow and orange, sage and deep green color palette. 

Flowers and foliage included Marigold, Café au Lait Dahlias, Lisianthus, Craspedia, Scabiosa, Solidago, Ornithogalum, Roses, mixed Ferns and mixed Eucalyptus.

Sanan's bridal bouquet was all about textures and we used tons of smaller blooms and trailing foliage for a light cascading effect.  For the reception, we created a beautiful tablescape by lining up tons of budvases and votives.  Budvases were designed in a mix clear bottles of varying heights and filled with beautiful blooms and gorgeous greenery, assorted to the wedding color palette. 

See the review on Wedding Wire here.

Planner: Dominik M.

Photographer: Brent Calis Photography

Lighting: Contak Av

Venue: La Distinction 

2017-01-29Minimalist Wedding at Studio L'Eloi in Montréal, Quebec, published on Junebug Weddings

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Beatrice & Alex's wedding at L'Eloi had a minimalist boho vibe.

A moody color palette of white, plum and deep green.

Florals featured Ranunculus, Scabiosas, Anemones, Anthuriums, Amaryllis, Dried Scabiosas, a mix of Ferns and Ruscus.

For this wedding we created the bridal party bouquets,floral accents for the cocktail and a foliage backdrop for the photobooth. For the reception, we created a minimalist and cozy tablescape by filling mix and match vases with loose flower stems. The idea was to recreate a dinner at home and keep things super low key. Simplicity at its best.

This wedding was featured on the JuneBug Weddings blog and you can view more here. 

Photography: Bianca Desjardins  -  Event planning: Raisonnable  -  Venue: Studio éloi  -  Catering: Le Bremner  -  Cake: Lecavalier Petrone  -  Bridal Accessories: Eugenie Bee

2016-10-29Soft neutral wedding at La Gare Viger in the historical Old Port of Montreal, Quebec

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Revisiting Hailey & Kevin's Fall wedding at La Gare Viger in the Old Port of Montreal.

A soft fall colour palette filled with ivory, warm whites, creams, peaches, blush, hints of blue, golden hues, sage and deep green.

It was our first time using the Cappuccinno Rose and we definately fell in love with this variety. To complete the flower selection we used Dahlias, Caramel Antik Garden Roses, Spray Rosettes, Eryngiums, Smokebush foliage, a mix of Ferns and a mix of Eucalyptus.

For this wedding we created bridal party bouquets, low centerpieces in golden vessel, simple budvases and lush garlands filled with blooms assorted to the wedding colour palette. 

Kind words from the Bride:

We hired Astilbe for our wedding day! I had a very specific vision for my flowers.Melanie was so amazing to collaborate with! We had countless exchanges and she always had creative solutions. The flowers on the actual day exceeded all my expectations. They were everything I wanted and more! I got chills by how beautiful my bouquet was and how spectacular the reception space was! I would hire this team again in a heartbeat.Thank you for making all my flower dreams come true!! - Hailey

Photography: Lightbox Studio

Venue: La Gare Viger 

2016-08-13Boho chic vibes for this small intimate wedding in a private cottage in the Laurentians, Quebec

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Anne and JP's late Summer wedding at their family's cottage in the Laurentian was all about the Chic Boho vibes.

A beautiful and lush colour palette filled with blush, pinks, marsala, ochre, ivory, navy, sage and deep green.

Florals were designed in a boho style with an emphasis on textures and lots of spilling foliage. Bloom selection included Zinnias, Callas, Protéas, Blushing Brides, Garden Roses, Dahlias, Cymbidium Orchids, Viburnum berries, Carnations, a mix of Eucalyptus and Ruscus.

For this wedding we created a bridal bouquet, flower crowns, flower hoops for the ceremony, lush garlands of foliage and flowers, as well as lots of small floral details scattered throughout the space for the cocktail hour, the buffet and the cake.

Photography: Naomie Gagnon Photographe
Coordination et Planning: Héra Mariages

2016-07-16Soft pastels and fuchsia for this urban wedding at Parisian Laundry in Montreal, Quebec

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Zoe and Amos got married in July 2016 at the beautiful venue Parisian Laundry in downtown Montreal, Quebec.

A pastel colour palette of soft pink, soft purple, peach, caramel, white with accents of vibrant fuchsia and deep green.

Florals included Peonies, Garden Roses, Lisianthus, Tulips, Astilbe, Veronicas, Nigra Pittosporum and a mix of Ruscus.

For this wedding we created all the bridal party bouquets, boutonnieres, wrist corsages, a few budvases for the cocktail hour and a lush hanging garland as a backdrop for the ceremony. The tables for the reception were decorated with lush garland with florals assorted to the wedding colour palette. 

Photography: Joel and Justyna
Coordination: Dominik M.
Venue: Parisian Laundry

2016-05-14Shades of Coral and tons of Peonies for this Spring wedding at Montreal Science Centre, Quebec

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Revisiting Sarah and Benoît's Spring wedding at the Montreal Sciences Centre in the heart of Montreal's Old Port.

A fresh colour palette of shades of Coral, Blush, Peach, Ivory, Sage and Emerald green.

Florals featured Coral Charm Peonies, Columbus Tulips, Garden Roses, Spray Rosettes, Carnations, Hypericum berries, Veronicas, Eucalyptus and a mix of Ruscus.

For this wedding we created a bridal bouquet along with bridesmaid's bouquets and flowergirls posies. For the reception, we decorated half the tables with lush garlands of greenery with blooms and the rest of the tables with bud vases filled with flowers and foliage, all assorted to the wedding colour palette. We completed the look heaps of little votives for that magical glow. We also provided an assortment of small plants as guests favors.


Photography: Martine L Images

Venue: Montreal Sciences Centre 

Day-of coordination: Hera Mariages 

2016-05-21A Rainbow Spring wedding at Auberge Saint-Gabriel in Montreal, Quebec

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Matt and Tim's colorful wedding, at l'Auberge Saint-Gabriel, will always hold a special place in our hearts because it was one of the first weddings we ever did here at Astilbe.

The challenge? The couple wished to have a Rainbow themed wedding! We worked with shades of red, pink, yellow, blue, purple and green. Instead of doing mixed colors bouquets, we decided to do monochromatic bouquets for a more modern look. Each bridesmaids was carrying florals assorted to their shoes!  We don't often get the chance to do a lot of colorful weddings, so this was definately tons of fun! 

Florals featured an eclectic selection of Peonies, Tulips, Ranunculus, Anemones, Hyacinths, Anthuriums, Scabiosas, Carnations, Eryngiums, Veronicas, Roses, Cymbidiums, Hydrangeas, dried Scabiosas, a mix of Ferns and Ruscus.   

Photography: Brent Calis Photography